Teacher Social Emotional Competence Workshops

Teacher Social Emotional Competence Workshops

These workshops help teachers develop their own and their students' social emotional competencies.

Teacher Social Emotional Competence Workshops (2021/22)

Teacher Social Emotional Competence Workshops for 2021-2022

We are experiencing a school year unlike ever before in recent history. We must support educators and staff to develop new tools to manage the day-to-day stressors of teaching during a global pandemic. These workshops help teachers develop their own and their students' social emotional competencies. 

Relax, Restore, and Connect: A Mini-Retreat for Educators

During this session, teachers and staff will come together in the comfort of their own homes to practice mindful breathing, journaling, and sharing about their experiences during the Covid-19 crisis. In this safe space, teachers will find support and strategies to continue to provide the best instruction they can in the midst of a stressful situation.

Promoting Trauma-Informed Classrooms in a Sea of Uncertainty
We are collectively living through a period of trauma, and therefore as educators we must update our toolboxes to meet the needs of this time.
Creating and maintaining a nurturing and supportive learning space has always been the hallmark of an excellent teacher - but how does this happen virtually? What new supports are needed to combat the stress our children are experiencing? How do we manage our own grief and fear while providing high quality instruction? During this session, teachers will learn trauma informed skills and tools to support not just their students, but themselves as well.

Managing Overwhelm in a Time of Uncertainty 

Educators are under more stress than ever before. During this relaxing session teachers will come 
 together to acknowledge and normalize their stress levels, and learn practical tools to manage the day- to-day overwhelm of teaching during a world pandemic.

Tools for Stress & Anxiety for Ourselves and our Kids
During this session we will take a deep dive into the physiology of the stress response to understand how it shows up in ourselves and our students. We will explore tools to identify and manage stressors that can be used during in person or virtual learning.

Social Emotional Learning and Tech Tools: Keeping tabs on Kids’ Mental Health while 
 Online Learning

Join us to learn different tips and tricks, platforms and websites to incorporate social emotional check-ins with your students.

Managing Strong Emotions in a Time of Crisis: Strategies for Adults and Students
We are living through one of the biggest challenges in our lifetime. Many of us feel overwhelmed, fearful, and anxious. At the same time we may be enjoying the time home and the slower pace of life. How can we reconcile these strong emotions? 
 Mindfulness-based practices offer some tools. Join us to learn more about the mindful way through emotion regulation for yourself and your students.

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